Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.”
John 13:7 - NKJV

Jesus Christ was considered very enigmatic by the generation that lived with Him. Sometimes they would come to Him and complain that His teachings were somehow enigmatic, puzzling and hard to understand, other times they would even demand miraculous deeds to show His power and validate His deity, and even His own disciples would eventually question His methods and why He wouldn’t be more open and clear about His purpose and ministry.

The text we see today talks about one of those things that our Lord did and was not understood: washing the feet of His disciples. When he was asked by Peter why He would do such a thing, He answered basically saying that “some things are not supposed to be understood immediately.”

You see, we are people of the right now, we want to know the nature and the reason for things the very moment they arrive in our lives, but sometimes those answers will not come for a long period of time.

Job asked the Lord 16 times about his suffering, and instead of answering him, God replied with 70 questions! But Job, after being healed by God declares: “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.” Amazingly, the lack of answers and the ignorance about the circumstances that surrounded him were the very tools that brought him the revelation of God Himself!

There will be many occasions where we will have to continue trusting the Lord in the midst of silence and distress, and even not understanding it, keep our faith and hope in Him.

But the wonderful thing about the statement of Jesus is that, yes, we will understand it later, at the appropriate time. The disciples themselves experienced that. Many times in their ministry they looked back and said: “Oh, NOW we understand what Jesus meant with such and such words.”

My friend, you may not have all the answers you are seeking for right now, but hang in there, it will come, and when it comes, it will certainly bless your life.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua