“But they sent me this message four times, and I answered them in the same manner.”
Nehemiah 6.4 - NKJV

Distractions are part of our lives. They come without notice, and normally with the tendency to put things in disarray. The text above talks about Nehemiah, during the time he was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His enemies knew that if they could deviate his focus and attention, they would achieve their goal of stopping the work of God.

They tried to distract Nehemiah four times, and every time his answer was the same, consistent and coherent with the plan he had previously designed as far as performing the work he had to do. Nehemiah did not compromise, he didn’t bend, he didn’t change his mind nor accepted bribes from the enemy.

Our Master, Jesus, since the early beginning of His ministry, also suffered countless attacks from multiple sides, and the goal of His opposers, whether Satan himself, the Pharisees, Saducees or other group, was to distract Him from the cross, but He never gave up, He never negotiated, and because of that He brought us great salvation.

You and I have some clear tasks assigned by the Lord that need to be done in order to advance the Kingdom, and we must pay attention to all the distractions the Enemy will put in front of us, because, what he intends is to deviate our focus, to make us waste time and ultimately fail on the duties the Lord appointed us to. Let’s follow the advice of our beloved apostle Paul, and “keep firmly our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith”, until the end.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua