Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.
Galatians 6.4 - NKJV

Michelle Parsons said: “Don’t compare yourself to others: this is a battle you will never win”. She is right about that.

Saul, the first king of Israel was a very enigmatic character. Handsome, from a good family, and also a powerful warrior but also tremendously insecure and with the habit of comparing himself to others all the time, especially his son-in-law, David. As a result of this, things didn’t finish well for Saul.

Saul is not alone in that journey. Aaron and Miriam compared themselves with Moses, Joseph’s brothers compared themselves with him all the time, as well. Until the end of Jesus’ ministry on this planet He had to deal with the disciples comparing themselves with each other, and we see Peter concerned with what was going to happen with John, even after the resurrection of the Lord!

Someone can say that comparison comes because of insecurity, also by the need of approval, and finally because of not knowing the magnificent plan God has for each one of us, individually.

Our brothers and sisters in Corinth had the same difficulties regarding comparisons, to the point that the Apostle Paul had to write in 2 Corinthians 10.12: “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.”

The Bible is clear that we should not compare ourselves to others, for some reasons, and I would like to highlight at least 3 of them:

1. God made us unique - You were created as a marvelous and well-planned project of God, you are the only one capable of being what God intended for you; 

2. Comparison is the older sister of ungratefulness - Ingratitude feeds comparisons, and it is a very wise spiritual discipline to be grateful for all the Lord has done for you. Pastor Rick Warren once said: “The grass of your neighbor might be greener on the other side, but his water bill is also more expensive.” The truth is, all of us have problems and issues that will be certainly minimized if we develop a grateful heart;

3. We can maximize our potential - We must face the fact that we will not improve a lot in areas for which the Lord did not intend for us. Instead, we must focus on our strength, on the abilities the Lord gifted us with, and not try to keep investing time and efforts in areas for which we are not propense to thrive.

Don’t compare yourself to others, use the good examples as an inspiration only, but grow and serve the Lord in the areas and fields that He uniquely created and designed you for.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua