"Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good;
haste makes mistakes."
Proverbs 19:2 - NKJV

As human beings, we have a very stubborn and strong tendency towards the “right now” lifestyle, and with everything changing so fast and demanding quick decision-making, mistakes become more frequent and sometimes come at a high price.
In the verse above, Solomon warns us that action without reflection will certainly bring pain and suffering.
I believe that there are two examples we can learn from about this matter - taking hasty decisions - extracted from the Word of God.
The first case in point comes from Joshua, Moses’ successor, a very experienced general and leader of Israel, who was a victim in an incident that cost him the conquest of a whole nation: the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites came to Joshua and the elders in Israel claiming that they were coming from a distant nation looking for a treaty, an arrangement of peace. The Word of God states that Joshua and the leaders in Israel ”did not consult the Lord”, and quickly made a covenant with the Gibeonites, who were in fact, their neighbors. The result was, not only Israel could not take the land of the Gibeonites as inheritance, but they also had to defend and help the Gibeonites in their own wars, because of a sudden and abrupt decision, made without reflection and the approval of God.
On the other side, we have Jesus. Our Lord never jumped into conclusions or decisions hastily, everything He ever did would obey a well-thought, prayed-over and Heaven-approved agenda from the Father.
For example, when Jesus was demanded to pronounce a quick judgement against an adulterous woman (in John chapter 8), He took His time to think, consider, and only after a clear direction from the Father, He came up with the verdict, and spoke the famous and liberating words: “I do not condemn you; go and sin no more.”
May the Lord grant us the wisdom to live our life based upon just, timely, well-thought and God-approved decisions.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua