“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”
James 1:19 - NLT

Author Ben Ingebretson in his recent book “Plant like Jesus”, talks about the great amount of time Jesus took to listen to people, whether they were His disciples, a needed crowd or someone in a private conversation.

In this hectic world of ours, it is easy to forget that so important example from our Master Jesus. The apostle James, Jesus’ brother, the leader of the church who wrote the Epistle of James (not the one among the 12 disciples), gives us sound advice when he says we should listen more than speak.

Maybe it’s time for us to reflect and put some balance in this so important equation, and ask the Lord if we have taken time to really listen to people around us, in such a way that they feel loved, cared for, and of course, listened to.

This coming week, I invite you to exercise this principle, and I can guarantee you will feel a shift in how you perceive people and situations as well.

During conversations, Jesus would not only listen, but also inquiry with deep interest and genuine concern for the matter discussed. He would ask the right questions and be really involved in the whole process. Because of that, our Lord always had the best answers which often changed people’s lives forever, in such a way that they would leave the conversation as a better person, and most of the time, saved.

Let’s all try listening more, speaking less, and enjoy the results.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua