“You have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations because of you, for the Lord your God is He who has fought for you.”
Joshua 23:3 - NKJV

If there is one ever-present element in the life of a Christian, it’s fighting. As People of God we fight against our own flesh, against the Devil and against the world. It’s a nonstop battlefield from which we cannot escape.

But in all of these, there is also good news: our Lord, Master and Owner of our lives, the one Who holds the deed of property, the one Who bought us for Himself, He is also the one Who fights our battles! It comes with the package of salvation! What a comfort we have in this reality!

The text we have today is a reminder coming from General Joshua of how faithful the Lord had been with the People of Israel, since the promise of saving them from 430 years of slavery until the time they were living at that very moment, enjoying the fulfilment of the promises of the Lord in the beautiful land of Canaan. For 40 years through the desert since they left Egypt, the Lord fought - and won - every battle for them, and their only duty was to believe!

You may be experiencing a time of war today, with battles right and left, in an environment where you feel disoriented and confused. The recipe is the same: let the Lord Almighty fight your battles! He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He actually takes pleasure in defending and fighting for us.

Yes, battles will keep coming, but the nice thing about it is that even though we may not know exactly when or in which format they may arise, we do know how to answer to each one of them, and the answer is surrendering and letting the Lord take control.

Rest in the Lord today, because if you serve Him indeed, if He holds the title of your life, your battles are actually not yours, but His.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua