“Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.”
Romans 1:28 - NLT

It is hard to imagine that God would give up on anything. Since the first pages of the Bible His heart is relentlessly seeking after mankind, and that continues throughout Scriptures until the time we finally see the utmost proof of His love when the Father sent Jesus to die for us.

Nevertheless, the text above shows the Lord leaving some people - actually abandoning them, to their own “foolish thinking”, and letting them do whatever it pleases them.

The point here is that even the Lord Almighty will not force His love nor His will on anybody, and what we see today in our generation is the climax of the very reality expressed in this verse.

Now, because we desperately need the Lord, this situation is catastrophic - for us!

When Paul wrote this letter to the church in Rome, especially in chapter 1, he was picturing a very rebellious and disobedient group of people, with many of them connected to immorality and living a completely wrong and distorted life with absolutely reproachable notions of sexuality. Such was their behavior that the Lord “let them do according to their own minds.”

You see, God will give us every chance in the world, and He never gives up on us, but we can certainly consider ourselves miserable and lost when He allows us (out of His justice, purpose and love) to live according to our own inclinations.

Instead of going through that route, we must carefully follow the instructions given by Paul himself in Romans 12:1-2, that we should “renew our minds” in order to experience the perfect, good and pleasant will of God in our lives.

May the Lord guide us and help us to live in harmony with what He has in mind for us, which, according to His Word, are plans of peace, prosperity and a future (Jer. 29.11), instead of pursuing the thoughts of our own corrupted minds.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua