“You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!”
Acts 7:51

These words were spoken by the first martyr of Christianity, Stephen, deacon of the church in Jerusalem, and even though they may seem tough, if we watch the context, we will understand the truth of them.
When we read the Bible, it is absolutely crucial to understand what the Lord is trying to tell us in that very “kairos moment” of our spiritual journey, and make every effort to obey it.
The Lord God and Jesus Himself spoke about how we can be stubborn and reluctant to obey Him even in the simple tasks. The apostle James speaks about how we can become hearers only, and not doers of the Word.
Let’s face it: yes, we are stiff-necked people by nature.

I believe these two first weeks of the new year can prove that we may be living exactly in the same way we did last year, with few or no changes at all as far as obedience to the Lord is concerned.
Unfortunately, all the stiff-necked Jews who heard Stephen’s preaching and did absolutely nothing about it, most of them lost their lives a few years later during a Roman invasion in Jerusalem.

If you are in the “I was born this way and I will never change” group, think again, and let the Lord show you new perspectives of an obedient and abundant life that can only come through a life of meekness and surrender to Him.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua