These last days have been a time of great unrest and violence in the United States, mainly because of the incident that caused the death of George Floyd, in Minnesota. As immigrants who decided to call North America our home, we pray that the Lord will heal the Land and protect us from the evil one, and that we will be able to live peacefully together.

It’s very important that everyone understands that, for the Lord Jesus, all of us belong to His family, with no difference in how He loves each one. His salvation surpasses geographical barriers, and goes beyond the color of our skin, our culture, our traditions or place of birth. We are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus, all dependent on His grace and mercy, we are His body, He died for mankind, and He will be back for every Nation, Tribe and every tongue shall confess His lordship. We are one race on this planet, the human race.

This has to be a time of intense intercession and vigilance by His Church, and where we must maintain serenity, understanding that the more times goes by, greater will be the challenges. But we are light and salt, and we have to live our faith according to the Word of God, and the Scriptures assures us that everything will end well. Let us have unity in the midst of diversity, and may the Lord bless and protect His people.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family,
Pr. Joshua