“Whoever has no rule over his own spirit
is like a city broken down, without walls.”
Proverbs 25:28 - NKJV

Most ancient cities were walled as a way of protection against the invasion of enemies, and the stronger the walls, the less vulnerable the city was.
It is said that even Alexander the Great would try to negotiate the surrender of a given city before trying to destroy its walls, so he wouldn’t have to put his army to a difficult and costly endeavor.
Solomon says in this text that our spirit, our temper, when uncontrolled,  can be the cause of many problems, leaving ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of our enemy.
We watch episodes of “untamed spirits” everyday: driving in town, walking on the streets, running errands on commercial establishments, and actually, pretty much everywhere.
An uncontrolled spirit exposes the ugliest parts of the human being, and should be refrained from at all cost.
The Apostle Paul encourages us “to live by the Spirit”, with part of His fruit being self-control and temperance, and he also talks about avoiding “outbursts of anger” that will certainly cause much pain and regret to those who choose to live by it.
If you feel that you cannot control yourself in a given situation, commit yourself to the Lord, and let Him guide and teach you. If having the “last word” in an argument places you in the last place, and embarrasses the Kingdom, let it go. Let us learn with the Lord Jesus Who was always gentle, meek and timely in everything He did.
Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us to control our spirit, and have our walls of spiritual protection always intact.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua