And Moses said to Pharaoh, “Accept the honor of saying when I shall intercede for you, for your servants, and for your people, to destroy the frogs from you and your houses, that they may remain in the river only.”
So he said, “Tomorrow.”

Exodus 8:9-10 – NKJV

However difficult it may seem to believe, we can deliberately postpone - and even sabotage - our own blessings!
The context of the verses we chose today is the second plague sent by the Lord to Egypt, by the time Israel was about to be delivered from cruel slavery after 430 years of bondage.
When Pharaoh and the whole Kingdom of Egypt were suffering after being hit with the second of the ten plagues - the plague of the frogs, he was asked by Moses when he wanted the irksome animals to be removed from his empire, from the egyptian households, from his own palace, and his answer was: “Tomorrow!”

That response keeps me wondering and astounded every time I read this part of the Scriptures: how can someone postpone the very blessing that will immediately stop you from suffering and distress??

But, however weird to think about it, we can also do that very same thing in our daily spiritual journey with the Lord

Yes, we can be our own saboteur, and inflict pain into our own lives, imploding our projects and dreams simply by refusing to eliminate what needs urgently to be tossed out of our lives.  

In the seventeenth chapter of the Book of Acts, after listening to a remarkable sermon of the Apostle Paul, the Bible says that some of the Athenians preferred “to postpone their decision about the message of the Gospel to another occasion.”

When Jesus visited the region of the Gadarenes and powerfully freed one of their citizens filled with demonic unclean spirits, they asked the Lord to leave their territory because He was messing and disturbing their local economy!

And so we have many examples in the Bible of people who deliberately put away their blessings, their chance to live a better and abundant life, and rather preferred to postpone it, and in some instances, only to find out later that they would never get another chance.

Meanwhile, the Word of God keeps reminding us: “today is the day of salvation”, the Lord is freely announcing: come and eat and drink without money from the fountains of grace.

We know that His blessings will come with our obedience and being ready to follow Him and live according to His voice. So, starting right now, stop postponing your blessings, cease the sabotage on your own projects, and start receiving grace and favor from the Lord - today!! 

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua