When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.
Proverbs 29:18 - NLT

It’s a common expression to say that “we live in a crazy world.” I guess there is some truth in that, but what is it that makes the world and our lives spin so fast, and many times, even without direction?
I believe the answer is in the verse we read above: whenever there is no acceptance nor surrender to be divinely guided by God and His Word, there will be confusion and chaos.
The prophet Hosea, from the Northern Kingdom of Israel, prophesied in 786 BC that “the people of God are destroyed for lack of wisdom, for rejecting knowledge.”
I firmly believe that it’s safe to say that as long as we lean on our own understanding and push away the advice God has given and continues offering through His Word, we are on the way to self destruction.
On the other hand, “whoever obeys the law is joyful.” Solomon is not talking about civil laws here, his instruction is about the Law of the Lord, His precepts and practical counseling He freely and lovingly gives to all of us.
Therefore, we have two options:

  1. We can continue running wild and doing our own agenda and going after our own wisdom, with no respect for what God intends, or

  2. Submit ourselves to the Lord, and obey His perfect plan and will for our lives.

The choice is ours. 
The results are pretty much obvious: running wild like someone who is heading nowhere and all the time unhappy, or to live a simple, non-complicated law-abiding lifestyle, and be full of joy!

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua