“You will find a baby wrapped”
Luke 2:12
Before anything, Merry Christmas from the Unchained Family!!
I believe that one of the most top pleasures of life is the unwrapping of gifts: the anticipation, the mystery and all the excitement of receiving something that is often a dream of the whole year is simply exhilarating. For those families that keep their Christmas gifts under the tree, we can always witness that sometimes the gifts have even been “unwrapped” before Christmas morning! It happens in every family!
The Bible says that the shepherds were told that they would “find baby Jesus wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
The truth is, those men could never imagine the glorious gift they were about to “unwrap”.
In the same message the angels also said that in that manger was the One who would save the world, the glorious Christ.
I would like to invite you to think about that scene: Jesus was there, lying, completely open to their visit, and the privilege those men had to probably hold the Messiah in their arms was the best gift ever received by them.
Today, over 2000 years after that majestic night, Jesus is still “available” to be unwrapped by those who earnestly and humbly seek Him.
You may not have a single gift to unwrap this Christmas, you may even be suffering from depression and anxiety as a very difficult year comes to an end, but the good news is: Jesus is still available, and He is the best gift you could ever imagine, because He is the gift, and also the Giver, He is the benefit and the Benefactor, He can offer you salvation, He can guarantee you eternal life.
When Lazarus was resurrected, he still could not walk properly or enjoy his new life until Jesus Himself said he had to be “unwrapped”. There is something special about unwrapping!
Go to Jesus today, and unwrap the gift sent from Heaven for all of those who believe, and as you do it, your soul will be filled with joy, your spirit will find peace, and contentment will overflow your heart.
Uncover the gift of God for you today, it is free for you, because the price has been paid. Discover Jesus this season, and have a real Merry Christmas!

Pr. Joshua Mateíne