“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
Luke 2:14
Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year, not for the sake of gifts or the economic stirring that causes in some people, but for the atmosphere of solidarity, fraternity and embracing that the season brings.
The text above, even though short, contains the most powerful ingredients ever put together and delivers an unequivocal message about what I believe to be at the center and meaning of Christmas. The birth of Jesus the Christ can really be summarized by what those blessed angels sung on that marvelous night: glory to God and peace among men!
The Lord Jesus Christ came to reconnect mankind with their all glory-deserving Creator, and in doing that, to bring peace and seal and secure a glorious future for those who believe in Him. Jesus is the glory of God incarnated, and in Him, and Him alone, we can find peace.
The message, therefore, is clear: only glory to God will bring peace to men, and these two elements together hold a powerful truth that can make not only this time of the year, but every day of our lives, meaningful and happy. The message of the multitude of angels continues to challenge us today, as mankind seeks for a true connection with God and for peace among ourselves, in such challenging times.
Needless to say, there will be no glory to God nor real peace on earth without Jesus. He has to reign, He is the one and only way to the Father and our exclusive hope into a blessed eternity.
Let’s be His instruments this season, proclaiming the glory of the Father, living for His glory, peace will certainly follow, and good will shall become a permanent reality.
So, the message sent to the shepherds persists and remains echoing today: If there is glory to God, there will be peace among men.
Merry Christmas under the glorious peace of God, from the Unchained Family!

Pr. Joshua Mateíne

Luke 2:14Joshua Mateine