“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.”

It’s been said that “life is not a rehearsal”, and I agree 100% with that statement. Life is real, is challenging and ever-changing, showing implacably that history can either be our teacher, or our burier.
The words of the verse we chose today come from the Lord Jesus Himself, and they are a serious warning about the stewardship of our time, and the way we use this precious commodity given by God to all of us - time.
The developments of the last 14 days in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, has left the world in awe. What seemed to be a “controlled environment”, has shown itself as chaotic, tumultuous and turbulent ground from night to day, and it has changed forever the lives of thousands of people, while revealing to the whole world how fragile, unreliable and dependent human institutions are.
I believe the main lesson we can extract  from these sad events is this: we must be prepared for change at any time, and Jesus makes clear that the way we do that is seizing every moment of opportunity to do the work of God. What our Savior was saying is that night, the time where no one can work any longer, comes for all, quickly, and many times, unexpectedly.
Are you prepared for the arrival of the night? Are you aware that when it falls over us, every effort will be vain, every measure fruitless and any attempted opportunity will have forever ceased?
Commit yourself to the work of the Lord today, because the night is coming, where no one will be able to do it; and let’s make prayer and intercession for the whole world in need, which is part of our work for God.
Wishing many blessings to you and your family!
Pastor Joshua