Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1 Corinthians 1:25 - NKJV

Every time I read the story of the falling of the walls of Jericho this verse comes to mind.

Imagine if you were involved in a military campaign in order to conquer a city and the captain in command says: “We will defeat this enemy just going around the city with trumpets and screaming!”

The Almighty God who helped Israel in the conquering of Jericho is the same God who ordered His people to cross on foot the deeps of Red sea, the same God who used a donkey to reprimand a prophet, the same Lord who made another prophet ride inside a big fish for three days, and the same God who would make a woman at the age of 90 years old to give birth to a child.

Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways, He doesn’t have to follow the laws of nature, He created them; He is not forced by human demands and because of that, He can order water to come out of rocks and money to be picked from inside a fish. This is the God who talks to the raging sea and to the winds, and they have to follow His command!

I want to encourage you to put your trust in this wonderful God today.

Jericho didn’t fall because of the military skills of General Joshua nor the brave soldiers of Israel, it fell because the Lord of Hosts had a plan to show His glory and might to a minuscule and powerless nation that He chose to call His.

It might be the case today that you think the way in which the Lord is handling things in your life is a little awkward and weird… but don’t lose heart, He knows exactly what He’s doing, and in the end, the walls will fall, whatever they may be. Just allow Him to have His way in your life, and you will discover that His arrangements are always greater, His thoughts are always cleverer and His methods are always sharper, then you will come to the conclusion that even “the foolishness of God, is infinitely wiser than man's wisdom.”

Wishing many blessings to you and your family! 
Pastor Joshua