So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff.

Luke 4:28-29 - NKJV

So, we are living the so-called “Cancel Culture”.

I am sorry to break the news but this kind of thing is not new at all, in fact, it is really, really old! People, institutions, governments and kingdoms have been trying to silence voices for centuries.

Take the Lord Jesus for example: the verse we placed in the beginning of this editorial is just one of the countless attempts they put together to shut Him off forever. In that particular case, to push Him down over a cliff.

King Herod the Great tried to cancel Jesus as soon as He was born, killing thousands of innocent babies in the process, the Devil tried to cancel Him in the desert when He was just about to start His ministry, and also many other times. Even His disciples tried to dissuade Jesus from His mission, let’s not forget the leaders of the Sanhedrim, the Pharisees, Sadducees, people from His own family, religious leaders, the furious multitudes crying “Crucify Him”, you name it! But nothing could stop Jesus from fulfilling His purpose, nothing could cancel that which was a work of God Himself among men.

As soon as the Lord went back to Heaven after His resurrection, the “cancel culture” continued with the High Priest, and then later the Roman Empire, and so on, but the more they tried, the more the message of salvation would spread like fire. Nero burned a city, Domitian burned Christians, but the fire of God burned hearts!

Jesus Himself said prophetically that in the last times, people who professed their commitment with Him would face opposition and even persecution.

And here we are today: the church of Jesus has overcome, and nothing or nobody will ever be able to “cancel” it.

What is the role of the Church of the Living God in the context we live today? The same as it has always been: to be the guardian, the defender and holder of the truth, the herald of the message of salvation for all mankind.

We have to be ready, we do not depend on technology, social media, government or any news outlet to proclaim freedom from sin through the Lord Jesus Christ, Who laid His life because of this very message.

Glory be to God, nothing can cancel us! 

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua