For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
Acts 20:29 - NKJV

Wherever we see sheep, most likely there will be wolves close by. They lurk around, lie low, conceal themselves, always looking for their prey, aiming for destruction, and many times - unfortunately, they succeed.

Our Lord Jesus warned us against them, and even said that “wolves may show up dressed as sheep.”

Wolves are savage, they respect no one, and a wolf attack could be really devastating and fatal. But wolves are also intelligent enough to know when, how and in which circumstance to attack and devour their victims.

The text we have today shows the Apostle Paul in one of his most emotional and intimate speeches to the brethren of the Church in Ephesus, warning them about “savage wolves.” 

Believers, especially the ones starting in their faith and relationship with the Lord, are vulnerable and susceptible to wolves, which may come in the form of a “friend”, of a relationship, “a great opportunity”, or even as camouflaged and inconspicuous people carrying “different doctrines and practices” contrary to the Word of God.

We must be aware that the only way a sheep can be protected from wolves is being as close as possible to the Pastor, to our supreme defender, Jesus Christ. In a world of so many voices, and some of them so attractive and deceiving, our eyes have to be in Jesus all the time. We must humbly remind ourselves that we can only overcome Satan’s intelligence if we “have the mind of Christ”.

May the Lord help us to identify those things around us that may look, speak, smell, dress and even act like a sheep, but underneath, way inside their wicked hearts, are just wolves eager to devour us.

Wishing many blessings to you and your family!

Pastor Joshua