Beloved Unchained Family, highly estimated friends:
Ecclesiastes 9:8 says:
“Let your garments always be white, and let your head lack no oil”
White clothes and oil: after possessing everything money could buy, the wisest man who ever stepped on this planet (second only to the Lord Jesus), says that these are the two things we cannot lack. How intriguing…
The matter of white garments is a big deal in the Scriptures, we have several references to it, from Genesis to Revelation, because it represents the righteousness of living before the Lord in a separate way of obedience that comes and it’s only possible because of the price of our redemption paid at the cross of Calvary. It certainly talks about living as saints and observing purity before the Lord Almighty in the midst of a perverted generation. Yes, it’s that important to live a life of holiness! It’s so essential that without it, we won’t ever be able to enjoy eternity with Jesus, which is made clear in Hebrews 12:14, as well.
The other element quoted by Solomon complements the first: the oil, meaning the presence of the Holy Spirit Who will be always at our side as the “Paracletus”, our marvelous Helper and Advocate, the One and only Who will make life in white garments possible. We can see Jesus Himself clearly showing us the importance of a life lived with the abundant and so necessary presence of the Holy Spirit in Matthew 25, while teaching the solemn Parable of the 10 virgins.
For all the priests from the Old and New Testaments who ministered to God, a lifestyle of white garments and of being always anointed with oil were fundamental to perform their sacred duties. In fact, when God Himself noticed the high priest Joshua with filthy clothes (Zechariah chapter 3), episode which opened the legality to be accused by Satan, the Almighty ordered that his garments should be changed immediately, and only after that, he could judge in the house of the Lord.
We see this same principle in Jeremiah 15:19 when God commands us to “separate the precious from the vile”, in order to be able to be “His mouth”.
As Christians today, we are called to be a “Royal Priesthood”, according to the Scriptures, and we must live as such.
May the Lord help us to understand that white garments and His presence in our lives, which comes from receiving and abiding in Jesus Christ, is the only way we will enjoy - and even enter, His eternal Kingdom. Without it, we are out of the Great Wedding of the King, a blemished bride won’t be a bride at all.
Brothers and sisters, let our garments always be white, and let our heads lack no oil. 
 Wishing peace, health and many blessings to your body and soul,

Pr. Joshua