Beloved Unchained Family, highly estimated friends:
We read in Jeremiah 12:5:
“If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what will you do in the thickets near the Jordan?
We, as human beings, have a bad, recurring and strong habit of complaining and comparing. The context here in Jeremiah 12 deals with one of the top reasons mankind have pleaded with the Lord for centuries, expressed in the beginning of the chapter, which is: “how come the wicked prospers, while I face difficulties as a believer?” And “why me?”
Whether we like it or not, the Lord not seldom answers these kinds of questions with a difficult or puzzling answer, and the response of God for those thoughts of the prophet here was quite surprising, intriguing and challenging, because what He is basically saying is: “Hey, there are people with much deeper problems than you!”, and also: “It’s time to brace yourself because you may be up to face even greater challenges!!” In His own words: “Racing against horses is much more exhausting than racing against men…”
God is trying to toughen us up, and the message for us today is clear: during these times we are living right now, there may be moments of immense difficulties and battles, nevertheless, we must be prepared because even more serious struggles may arise. The truth about the question in verse 5 is that if we are not ready to face small issues, how will we overcome the big ones??
Yes, we live by hope! Yes we trust the Lord! But also, yes, the Scriptures are clear that we are amongst in a generation completely dichotomized of what God intends, and unless there is repentance and change, the development and consequences of what we have today will not be as pleasant as some expect.
Let us ask the mercy of the Lord upon this land, let’s ask Him grace and guidance so we do not have to face “the rigours of a flooded Jordan”.
May Jeremiah 12:5 be answered by every single one of us with reverence, humbleness and solemnity.
Wishing peace, health and many blessings to your body and soul,
Pr. Joshua