But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”
Matthew 4:4

Beloved Unchained Family, highly estimated friends:

It’s official!! For decades and counting, there are no marketing publicizing competitors for it, whether onTV, internet, magazines, newspapers or any media outlet vehicle, simply no matching opponents whatsoever, let’s just face it: diet advertising rules!
Day after day, thousands of new dietary regime programs featuring their 0nce in a lifetime opportunity and their envying “before and after” models, come into the homes of millions of eager consumers seeking for a new promise of a better body and a balanced nutrition, fed by propaganda that comes with an overflowing and clever approach that you can be healthier, handsome and happier, as long as you try their life-changing unveiled miracle.

The universally accepted and very well known maxim “You are what you eat” is a true statement under any therapeutical, medical or practical scrutiny, and although there is much truth contained in that adage, this metaphor gains much greater relevance when applied to spiritual values, which means to say, your spirituality will be as strong as the food you feed it with.

When applied every day in our lives with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the wonderful nutrients of the Word of God will make us stronger, healthier, and wiser to face all the challenges life brings. It was the power of the Scriptures spoken by Jesus that drove Satan away when the Lord was tempted in the desert of Judea - and that it is the same Word that can make us strong enough to defeat the snares of the Adversary today.

The great apostle Paul, writing his epistle to the Romans, asserts that the best way we can be changed is renewing our minds and the way we think, that is, the manner we feed ourselves spiritually; and writing to Timothy he says that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
The good news brought by these verses is that a balanced diet of the content of Word of God will make us not only spiritually healthy to help us with the battles of this life, but much more important, to gain conviction that the eternal is infinitely more important.

The book of the prophet Jeremiah also brings an impressive message in chapter 15, verse 16: “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.”
It’s interesting to note that the prophet would not be able to experience joy until he actually “ate” from the Word. That’s an allusion to the spiritual sustenance and nourishment of the light of the counseling of God in our daily lives.

The enormous volume of importance placed upon eating well and being fit poses very important questions for all of us: Have we been eating wisely? Is there a balance in our spiritual and physical shape?

The truth is, at the end, it’s much more important not unloosing your faith than losing weight.

Wishing peace, health and many blessings to your body and soul,

Pr. Joshua Mateíne