Life change happens in circles, not in rows.
— Andy Stanley


The “church” is not a building, a denomination, or a business organization.

It’s a family of people who agree about Jesus. At Unchained Church, we believe that the family needs to gather together on the weekend in our worship time, but we also believe the family should scatter around the community and meet in small groups during the week. We call these small groups U Grow Groups.


Belonging to a U Grow Group

Every believer needs a church home, and we also need a small group of other believers for support and encouragement. We believe that spiritual growth happens as we gather regularly with a few other believers, and when we meet, our goals are simple:

To share each other’s hurts and triumphs, pray for one another, know one another, be accountable to others, encourage one another and more.


a few things to note

  • Some addresses are approximate for privacy reasons and groups may meet in multiple locations but the primary location is listed.

  • Even when no childcare is offered, kids may still be welcome. Just ask the leader.

  • One of the greatest ways to serve others and see life change is to host a group of your own!


Our Groups

View and sign-up for a group

Host a Group

Interested in hosting a group?