Dear Church Family and friends, Psalm 112:6-8 says:
Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
they will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of bad news;
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
These are very unusual and challenging times.
We have been getting questions related to the Coronavirus and our church services at Unchained Church. While we do not condone panic, we are monitoring the situation carefully. At this time, we will NOT have our services on a regular schedule, we will NOT be meeting in the sanctuary, and we will not have any activity as well in the TCC facilities.
However, starting next week, from Tuesday, March 24 on, we will resume our Bible Studies in our homes, but only each family separately, no visitors.
If any of these arrangements need to be changed, we will communicate with you through our website or social media channels and through our newsletter.
As suggested by sanitary authorities, we encourage elbow knocks, over hand shakes. Please be diligent in hand washing, covering your coughs and sneezes and repeating hand washing regularly. Soap and water are the best option. If you are sick, please let us know so we can pray for you. If you are sick, and the doctors did not refer you to a hospital, for your own well being, please stay home. Age is a big factor in the severity of the illness. Pre-existing conditions can also be a factor.
We look forward to meeting and worshiping with all of you together again! As far as a temporary alternative to our Worship Services on Sundays, we do have options. We are transmitting our Sunday service at 10:15 am every Sunday through Facebook streaming, and you can also watch past week’s services on the church website:
Please remember that our church will have needs as we continue moving forward. Supporting our ministries and operating costs will still be required. If you would like to give electronically you can do it through our website, on the ‘Give’ menu. If that option doesn’t work for you, the church office at TCC is open from Monday through Thursday, 9-4. Other arrangements can be made if needed.
Finally, if you would like a pastoral visit or know of someone who is in need of prayer please contact me by phone or send an email to
Also, please help us get the word out by contacting church family and passing the word along. Thank you for your loving support!
For information on preparing yourself and your family, check out this link from the Centers for Disease Control.
Blessings from above,
Pastor Joshua
(559) 651-6006